
29/02/2016 Targets

Mike: Implement turning and falling animations, footsteps for each individual dinosaur, misc sounds (breathing, roars, ect.) and ambient sound effects

Jenna: In-Game HUD (minimap,ect)

Adam: New Grass Texture, Re-do start line, Skybox, Clouds (Model/UV/Texture)

Rhys: Fix + Test checkpoints, look at the dust on the characters. oversee Q+A and game Testing


22/02/2016 Targets

Mike: Falling animations and fix the turn animations for the characters

Adam: Re-Evaluate tree placement, Design and build the start/finish line

Rhys: Add music to level, volcano effects (smoke), sort block/kill, fix + test AI paths, sound FX (footsteps)

Jenna: UI Menu (simplify) Hud Design


Engine Update


Potential problem having trouble rotating them due to adding control after the animation is finished is causing problems: solution might need to redo the run no time will be lost and i will complete the goal i would have set as well for next week as well

Menu Design

Target was not complete using this tutorial.

This was as far as I got.

It got very confusing, very fast. I spent most of the week trying to figure out what was what.

Changed the current menu designs with the font and colors.

Julian gave me an official Unreal Engine tutorial

Game Testing


[15/02/2016] Targets

Jenna: Menu Transition Functionality (matinee movement through scene on button press)

Adam:  Trees without foliage (for volcano) with texture, changing forest landscape texture, dead tree variations

Rhys: edit Rex and Carlton AI agents to fit new track, particle effect on footstep

Mike: proper idle animations, turning animations.