
[Animation] CarnoTaurus rig

So no problems with the FK controls controlling the joint underneath, however i need to change the FK controls on the leg and tail to an IK control since this would work better in the Unreal engine for what Rhys has planned with it.
 However i am having some difficulty getting the IK handle tool to work the way i want this is possible due to the FK controls being parented to the the joint which is causing a conflicting data, i will un-parent the leg and see if that will fix the problem. 

haven't managed to un-parent the leg yet but i just discovered something unusual the right shoulder is somehow connect to the left thing controls. no idea how it happened i have checked both the Joint hierarchy and the control hierarchy but neither of them have connection to it so I'm no idea how this happened.
so to summarize FK works fine IK i need some help on how to put that in.

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