
Team Meeting 1pm - 05/01/2016


- Viva 21st March

  • Game must be finished 
  • Animations
  • Environment - Landscape Textures - Environment Assets 
  • Track with banked corners/ indent track 
  • Mechanics AI/Multi/Menu - HUD
  • Music + Sound effects
  • Tablet implementation
  • Game Testing 
  • Possible Post Processing  - Jungle/Saltflat/Volcano/Beach
  • Review Gantt Chart - Communication - 2 times a week comparisons

  • Run 
  • Starting Position
  • Idle - Character selection
  • Sliding
  • Rear view - looking behind
  • Reverse


  • Finish Landscape Textures 
  • Modelling/Texturing/Implementing environment assets
  • Asset list
  • Post Processing - Make List
  • Bank Corners and Indent Track 


  • Final Track with AI - Possible multi AI - Mechanic
  • Multiplayer - Mechanic 
  • Menu system
  • Post Processing 

Music - HUD - Sound Effects

  • Music - Menu/In Game (Maybe singleplayer music, different mulitplayer music.)
  • Possible different character music. 
  • Heads up Display design.
Particle Effects

  • Dust
  • Dirt
  • Sand
  • Leaves
  • Ash
  • Volcano smoke
Postprocess Effects 

  • Model black outline
  • Visual changes according to environment eg, dark in jungle, stuffy around volcano etc.

Next Meeting - 12/01/2016

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