
Damaged Hard Drive + Easter Targets

Okay so after the 2nd Viva I was preparing to back up my hard drive and it got knocked/pulled over.
So in short I can no longer access my hard drive with Jurassic Kart on it.
However! All is not lost, (somewhat) I have a back up, albeit probably a few months out of date.

I have managed to recover model files via temp autosave folders etc.
Textures have backups save Bugsy, his was non recoverable however it was a simple one and can easily be redone. The other new characters don't have textures yet.

Targets over Easter
  • Major Project Report
  • Character development video - Iguanodon, Parasaurolophus, Argintinosaurus, Therizinosaurus?
    • Record stages; ZSphere, Sculpting, retopology, UV unwrap, polypaint + photoshop texture.
  • Flag Girl Texture
  • Bugsy Costume + Texture Done
  • Ally Costume + Costume texture
  • Carla Costume + Texture
  • Roxy Costume + Texture
  • Capt Morgan Costume + Texture
  • Buttons Costume + Texture
  • Raptor texture x 3
  • Pterodactyl texture
  • Promo character sheets
    • Carlton
    • Rex
    • Big Al
    • Carla
    • Roxy
    • Ally
    • Capt Morgan
    • Buttons
    • Bugsy
    • Flag Girl
    • Spectators - Raptors, Pterodactyles, etc.
  • Promo posters
  • Carlton Costume
    • Stilts - Wood, screws, wood glue, L/T brackets, metal supports, bungee cords, large PVC pipe (for front knee support), straps.
    • Skeletal structure - PVC pipe, main body harness.
    • Mesh/foam shape - Plastic mesh/ upholstry foam
    • Cloth covering - Cotton
    • Costume pieces - Cotton/ felt; Top Hat, Spats, Bow tie, Cuffs. See through mesh/material White shirt. Plastic/cardboard monocle.
    • Details - Eyes, plastic/polystyrene. Teeth, foam. Tongue, foam.

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