
Cartoon Moodboards

As recommended by Julian I've done some character style moodboards.
Exaggerated Proportion
 These characters all look in proportion in a cartoon sense not realistic. Big feet and big head with a slightly smaller body.
Small appendages, somewhat big body, varying. Tends to have a large head.
Kind of the reverse of the previous cartoon style.
This style is a large body with a small head.

The style of our dinosaurs is a mix of Exaggerated Proportion and the big head, limbs with small body. Big mouths and wide round eyes for expression.

I've looked at characters that act different to how they should. For example;

  • Maximus - Tangled

Maximus shows traits of a dog from sniffing the ground to pick up Flynns scent and (somehow) wagging his tail while sitting in a way not usual for horses.
While other actions involve sword fighting and responding with very human expressions.
  • Sven

Sven also has dog traits, panting with his tongue hanging out, wagging his tail, licking people much like a dog. He also does comical movements such like trying to move along the ice, both unusual and even impossible for a reindeer.

I have used this before with my own character for a comical appearance.
Big expressive eyes also help.

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