
Engine Update

-Fraps wasn't working so no video yet, will post a video when I get fraps to work- 

Splash screen when you start the game, displays records, player can reset. Player can't move until left click has been pressed and countdown has finished
Countdown gives players ~5 seconds to get ready before the race starts
In-Game HUD
In Game actor to edit amount of laps and default best times
Macro to convert float values to usable text format (for time)

Checkpoints act as respawn location, player must run through checkpoint in right direction to update. Checkpoints despawn when overlap ends, and respawn when the last checkpoint has been run through

Race Timers

This is the most important stuff, I created a bunch of functions to make all this work.

Known bugs to fix:
Lap update skips a lap which breaks best lap time because it thinks we completed a lap in 0 seconds

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