
Engine File Structure and Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions for in Engine, rename add these tags to the assets and remove the JK_ prefix and the initials suffix (that is only needed for out of engine sorting).

Example naming convention in engine:

Adhere to this when you put stuff in engine.

Naming Conventions:

User Interface; UI_
Vehicles: VH_
Blueprints: BP_
Skeletal Mesh: SK_
Static Mesh: SM_
Particle System: PS_
Sound: S_
Sound Cue: SC_
Material: M_
Material Instance: MI_
Material Function: MF_
Texture: T_
Physical Material: PM_
Enumerators: Enum_
Structures: Struct_

Texture Suffixes:
_BC : Base Colour
_MT: Metallic
_S: Specular
_R: Roughness
_DP: Displacement
_AO: Ambient Occlusion
_H: Height Map
_FM: Flow Map
_L: Light Map
_M: Mask

Mesh Suffixes:
_P: Physics

_BlendSpace: Blend Space
_AnimBlueprint: Animation Blueprint

File Structure:

Everything is color coded depending on what is in the folder.
Blueprints are blue
Playable Character related folders are yellow
Sedan related folders are pink
    AI related folders are purple
    Models are red
    Textures are green

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