
[Engine, Environment and Animation] Problems that needs fixing

  • During one of the play through Rex got turned upside down but continued to keep running with his body under the map and the legs sticking through. it did eventually correct itself but started running back to missed points
  • Wrong way doesn't register when walking backwards
  • Refine blocking volumes, players can run up the blocking volumes
  • Manged to get on top of the volcano, apparently a player got launched off something and made it up there. Lecturers suggested placing a kill volume over the top of the volcano
  • add more logic blocking volumes in the salt flats. perhaps more dinos bones or something but this may require Adam do model more stuff or we fill it with what we have
  • Change menu music Jen has a track that could work 
  • AI collision needs adjusting
  • Some players thought the environment was a bit bland and suggested adding more life, landmarks and character.
  • Fix the clouds casting shadows
  • Carlton needs to have his run cycle fixed there appears to be a notch in his animation again 
  • A number of other animations need to be cleaned up 
This is the feedback we received and found during the Game social

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